On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the book series Advances in Spatial Science, we would like to invite scholars in the fields of regional and spatial science to submit book proposals for consideration in the series.

This series contains scientific studies focusing on spatial phenomena, utilising theoretical frameworks, analytical methods, and empirical procedures specifically designed for spatial analysis. Advances in Spatial Science brings together innovative spatial research utilising concepts, perspectives, and methods relevant to both basic science and policy making. The aim is to present advances in spatial science to an informed readership in universities, research organisations, and policy-making institutions throughout the world.

Over the last two decades, the series has published a steady flow of four books per year contributed by some of the best known and most influential regional scientists from around the world. In 2015 alone, the books in this series have had more than 70.000 digital downloads. It has become a lighthouse of thought and the most comprehensive collection of published books in the field.

The book series publishes monographs and contributed volumes of theoretical and applied research in Regional and Spatial Science, as well as edited handbooks covering fundamental research. The series encourages new volumes on innovative theories and methods in Regional Science, and also edited books from specially organized research seminars and workshops.

For more information on the series please visit:


If you want to submit a book proposal please contact:


Manfred M. Fischer, Jean-Claude Thill, Jouke van Dijk, and Hans Westlund
Series Editors Advances in Spatial Science