International Conference of Territorial Development
End of November 2023, Matera, Italy
With the support of ERSA
Including the 5th edition of the International Award on Local/Territorial Development ( for Scholar and Ph.D thesis)
CRIEL-University of Insubria, DiCEM – University of Basilicata and AENL (Association of Latin Languages Economists) (in collaboration with Istao) publish an international competition for a recognised and distinguished prize on research and successful initiatives in promoting and supporting local and territorial development, particularly important and distinctive at international level. This aims to encourage scholars, experts, young researchers, public institutions, public and private actors and firms, civic society and local communities to the analysis and awareness of localized development processes and good local development practices, by focusing on the dynamic interaction between innovative firms and the growth of technical and professional skills, the capability to valorize existing resources, the introduction of training schemes and support tools for territorial development, even with the implementation of the capacity for diagnosis and international comparison of territories, so as to favour the planning of investments and bottom-up development initiatives. The Award is divided into the following sections: a) Section “essays” b) Section “young researchers” c) Section “territories” d) Section “enterprises”
Award ceremony The Award ceremony will be held in Matera (Italy) in the second part of November 2023 in the framework of the International Conference on Territorial Development. Interested participants will be informed in due advance about the date, place and programme of the Conference.
Download the full information here (English).
Download the full information here (French).