Sharing outstanding knowledge for regional scientists worldwide is a must for ERSA.
On this page, we publish the latest videos resources available from proven scholars or experts in the fields of regional science. By doing this, we share precious resources of high interest for all: young researchers as well as senior researchers or experts.
ERSA Channel contains keynote academic Lectures and high-quality Research Presentations but also Roundtable debates including the participation of key policymakers, … This selected knowledge comes mainly from our landmark annual Congress but also our Summer/Winter Schools, ERSA Webinars and from one of our dynamic Sections around Europe and beyond.
ERSA YouTube Channel counts over 660 videos
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Videos published on ERSA Youtube Channel
September 2024
Keynote Address by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira“Cohesion Policy in a Fragmented World” at #ERSA2024
Mário Centeno‘s Keynote Lecture “Monetary policy: how to deal with fragmentation” at #ERSA2024
Celebration event of Paul Krugman at #ERSA2024
Simona Iammarino’s Keynote Lecture “Technological Transitions and Critical Raw Materials. Multinationals, Geopolitics and Spatial Inequality” at #ERSA2024
October 2023
Riccardo Crescenzi’s Keynote lecture “Global Value Chains, Foreign Investment and Regional Development” at #ERSA2023
Julie le Gallo’s Keynote lecture “Spatial patterns and economic impacts of short-term rentals” at #ERSA2023
October 2022
Roundtable “Entrepreneurship Ecosystems” at #ERSA2022
Michaela Trippl‘s Keynote lecture “Smart specialization, place-based innovation and sustainability transitions” at #ERSA2022
Roundtable: “The 8th Cohesion report. Cohesion in Europe towards 2050: a discussion on current economic, social and territorial cohesion in the EU and future challenges” at #ERSA2022
Roundtable “Inequalities in a Connected World” at #ERSA2022
September 2022
Closing ceremony & Diego Puga’s keynote lecture “The benefits and costs of big cities” at #ERSA2022
Maria Abreu’s keynote lecture “A capability approach perspective on regional development” at #ERSA2022
Olav Sorenson’s keynote lecture “The spatial ecology of entrepreneurship” at #ERSA2022
Simona Iammarino‘s keynote lecture on “Technology, regional inequality and corporate power” at #ERSA2022
Opening ceremony and Michael Storper’s keynote lecture on “Spatial Inequalities: Historical, Comparative and Methodological Perspective (And the challenge to European research)”at #ERSA2022
December 2021
AECR Online conference by Professor Edward Glaeser
ERSA Covid Battle Series – 2nd round “The impact of COVID 19 on tourism and mobility” by Özge Öner and João Romão
November 2021
Closing Ceremony and Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura’s Keynote Lecture on “Population distribution across space: future perspectives” at #ERSA2021 Congress
POLIMI Roundtable on “Justifications and objectives of regional policy under new circumstances: Policy, politics and trade-offs” at #ERSA2021 Congress
Rosella Nicolini’s Keynote Lecture on “Population distribution across space: future perspectives” at #ERSA2021 Congress
Laura Resmini’s Keynote Lecture on ” Disentangling Spillovers from FDI: old issues and new challenges“ at #ERSA2021 Congress
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose‘s Keynote Lecture on “Alone or lonely. The economic cost of solitude” at #ERSA2021 Congress
October 2021
OECD Roundtable on “Green transitions in regions: From COVID-19 to a green and sustainable future” at #ERSA2021 Congress
Cesar A. Hidalgo’s Keynote Lecture on “A Decade of Economic Complexity” at #ERSA2021 Congress
ERSA JRC Part II Roundtable on ” “Innovative cities” at #ERSA2021 Congress
September 2021
Tom Broekel’s Keynote Lecture on “Did you see the news? Linking local news and regional development” at #ERSA2021 Congress
Dimitris Ballas’Lecture on “Using GIS for the geovisualisation and analysis of social and spatial inequalities” at 34th ERSA Summer School
Meeting with RSAI-ERSA Editors: REGION, PiRS, RSPP at #ERSA2021 Congress
Daniela Jacobs‘Keynote Lecture on “Time to act!” at #ERSA2021 Congress