The European Organizing Committee (EOC) assist the President and the Council (ERSAC) in managing the affairs of the ERSA. The chairperson of the EOC is the President. Among others, the EOC is responsible for the organization of the annual European Congress of the ERSA as well for the dissemination of information about regional science activities (like the European Newsletters) and other publication activities strengthening the image of ERSA.

The Committee (EOC) is free to assign other specific tasks to its members. The members of the EOC are elected by the Council (ERSAC) from among the members of the ERSA. The number of EOC members is restricted by the Council. Membership of the EOC will last for a period of up to five years; only one subsequent period of membership is possible.

EOC Board members
(update January 2024)

  • Roberta Capello
    ERSA President, term ends in December 2028
    Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
    Email: roberta.capello(at)
  • Ioannis Psycharis
    ERSA Vice-President, term ends in December 2028
    Panteion University, Regional Development Institute, Athens, Greece
    E-mail: psycharis(at)
  • Rosella Nicolini
    ERSA Secretary, term ends in December 2025
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
    Facultat d’Economia i Empresa
    Edifici B – Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    08193 Bellaterra – Barcelona, Spain
    Ph: + 34 935814573 – Fax + 34 935812292
    E-mail: rosella.nicolini(at)
  • Artur Ochojski
    ERSA Treasurer, term ends in December 2025
    University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
    1 Maja 50, 40-287 Katowice
    E-mail: artur.ochojski(at)

EOC  members

  • Andrea Caragliu
    EOC, term ends in December 2026
    Politecnico di Milano, Italy
    E-mail: andrea.caragliu(at)
  • Leïla Kebir
    EOC, term ends in December 2025
    Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
    E-mail: leila.kebir(at)
  • Katarzyna Kopczewska
    EOC member, term ends in December 2026 (the second term as EOC Member)
    University of Warsaw, Poland
    E-mail: kkopczewska(at)
  • Camilla Lenzi
    EOC, term ends in December 2026
    Politecnico di Milano, Italy
    E-mail: camilla.lenzi(at)
  • Dimitris Kallioras
    EOC, term ends in December 2026
    University of Thessaly, Greece
  • André Carrascal-Incera
    EOC, term ends in December 2026
    University of Oviedo, Spain
    E-mail: carrascalandre(at)
  • Rosella Nicolini
    Editor-in-Chief, Papers in Regional Science
    Department Economica Aplicada, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
    Email: rosella.nicolini(at)
  • Tomas Dentinho
    Editor-in-Chief, Regional Science Policy & Practice
    University of Azores, Azores, Portugal
  • Francisco Rowe
    Managing Editor, REGION
    University Of Liverpool, UK
    Email: F.Rowe-Gonzalez(at)

EOC members co-opted from
Congresses and Winter/Summer Schools LOCs:

It is agreed that the EOC recommends to the ERSA Council that the membership of LOC representatives in the EOC is limited to 12 months before and 12 (or 6) months after the event and that the LOCs are requested to provide a written follow-up report to ERSA after the event is finished.


  • Yannis Psycharis
    Congress LOC Athens, term ends in December 2026

In case of any inaccuracies or errors please contact the ERSA Secretary at rosella.nicolini(at)

EOC meeting agendas