58th ERSA Congress “Places for People: Innovative, Inclusive and liveable Regions”
28- 31 August 2018, Cork, Ireland

The Congress is co-organised with the Regional Science Association International – British and Irish Section and will take place at the University College Cork. The British and Irish Section has organised European Congresses on several previous occasions: Liverpool (2008), Dublin (1999), Cambridge (1989) and London (1979).

Link to ERSA2018 Cork Congress Website

Cork Receives the ERSA Flag

The Local Organising Committee of ERSA2018 accepts the flag at the 2017 Congress in Groningen.

Key dates

October 23rd 2017                          Call for Special Sessions
December 8th 2017                        Deadline Special Sessions Proposals
December 11th 2017                      Open submission for abstracts (and papers)
February 28th 2018                        Deadline abstract submission
March 31st 2018                            Notification of acceptance and registration opens
June 9th 2018                                Deadline reduced fee and Paper submission for R-sessions and Special Sessions
July 20th 2018                                Deadline registration for being included in the program
August 28th – August 31st 2018     ERSA Congress


The 2018 ERSA Congress will be hosted by University College Cork.