AISRe has a new board!
Elections took place during the XLIII AISRe conference in Milan. The new Executive Board, selected on October 10, is composed by Domenico Scalera (President), Camilla Lenzi (secretary) and Augusto Cerqua (treasurer). See full list including councillors and auditors: https://www.aisre.it/en/consiglio-direttivo-aisre-en/
Domenico Scalera succeeds Roberta Capello (president from 2019-2022) ) for a three-year-term (2022-2025).
We wish Domenico Scalera a fruitful AISRE Presidency and welcome him at the European Regional Science Association Council (ERSAC) as the New AISRE Section Representative.

As the president of the new board of AISRe, in line with the action of the past board, I wish to continue to develop the institutional activities of the Association, and particularly to: promote high-quality research in the field of regional sciences, mainly through the AISRe review and publications, the annual conference and series of seminars; favor young researchers by promoting specific initiatives and prizes reserved to them; pursue the objective of gender equality by encouraging young female scholars to take part in the activities of the Association.
AISRe will keep close relationships with the other European regional science associations, and primarily with ERSA, with which it shares mission and objectives.” Domenico Scalera, AISRe President