The Romanian Journal of Regional Science is pleased to inform you that it has released the winter issue: Vol.18, No.2, Winter, Issued December 2024 and it has been uploaded on the journal website at...
Global Challenges & Regional Science First paper published in the journal now available online! The double dark side of regional back-shoring, by Roberta Capello, Damares Lopes Afonso & Giovanni Perucca. Abstract Interpreted as a...
The Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI) invites you to participate in the 23rdInternational Conference on Cultural Economics, to be held at Erasmus University Rotterdam.This conference marks half a century since the founding of...
The 10th International Urban Freight Conference (I-NUF) is the premier biennial conference that addresses all aspects of city logistics and goods movement in the world’s metropolitan areas. Abstracts submission deadline: 20 October.
Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research has published the Issue no. 60. Below you will find the summaries of the papers published in this volume, which can be accessed at Editorial Jose-Luis...
We are delighted to communicate that Declan Jordan is the new Chairman of the British and Irish Section (RSAI-BIS). The new board of RSAI-BIS is composed of: Chair: Declan Jordan,University College Cork, IrelandSecretary:Matthiew Lyons, University of BriminghamTreasurer:Maria...
This year, ERSA partners again with RSA Europe and AESOP to organise the session below: The end of the trade-offs? Competing and Converging for European Democracy Venue: Albert Borschette Congress Center, Room AB-2A, Thu...
FEMETRICS LABCall for contributions and funded conference participation in Florence, Italy Deadline: 15 September 2024 FEMETRICS is a project funded under the European University Institute’s Widening Europe Programme. It addresses gender data gaps by...
RSPP Special Issue Award For the Best Special Issue Editors in Regional Science Policy and Practice RSPP Special Issue Award aims to stimulate the quality of an enlarged editorial team focused in the edition of Special Issues....
The Romanian Journal of Regional Science is pleased to inform you that it has released the Summer Issue 2024 (Vol.18, No.1) and it has been uploaded on the journal website at Current Issue Vol.18, No.1,...