The Indonesian Economy and the Surrounding Regions in the 21st Century
Essays in Honor of Iwan Jaya Azis
Budy Prasetyo Resosudarmo, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Yuri Mansury, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA
About the Book
This book broadens the reader’s knowledge of several important issues having to do with the economy of Indonesia and its surrounding regions, to which Professor Iwan Jaya Azis has made significant contributions in the last 40 years. The book is divided into three parts, the first of which contains several chapters describing fundamental methods in regional economics, development economics, macroeconomics, and finance. These methods are crucial in understanding the political economy of Indonesia and the neighboring regions. Among the techniques discussed are social accounting matrix (SAM) analysis, computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling, and agent-based modeling (ABM) approaches. The second part is on several important issues related to the Indonesian economy. The topics covered are urbanization, resource booms, manufacturing, and micro and small enterprises. The book’s third part deals with the economies of several countries in the neighboring Southeast Asian region, including the Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand.
Publication Date: 6 April 2024 | ISBN 978-9819701216
About the Editors
Budy P. Resosudarmo is a developmental and environmental economist working on the economy-wide impact of economic and environmental policies on local economies, household incomes, human development and the environment, and analysing the political economy of environmental policies and natural resource utilisation. In conducting his research, he implements, among others, impact evaluation, spatial and inter-regional modelling techniques. He currently collaborates with several Indonesian research institutes, researching various developmental and environmental issues in Southeast Asia, particularly in Eastern Indonesia. Among others are on the issues of energy transformation and integration, disaster management and insurances, and development in lagging regions.
Budy is the Head of the ANU Indonesia Project, a Fellow of the Regional Science Association International, a member of the Advisory Committee of the Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA), a member of the Advisory Committee of the Economy and Environment Institute-Indonesia (EEI-Indonesia), and an ex-officio member of the Council of the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organizer.
He was also the President of the Regional Science Association International (2017-2018).
Yuri Mansury is trained as a regional scientist and currently teaches urban planning analysis. His current areas of research are the economics of technology and innovation, computational modeling of urban systems, spatial networks, disaster impact analysis, and unbalanced regional development.
He has authored and co-authored peer-reviewed articles published in a variety of social science journals including Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, and Regional Science Policy and Practice. Mansury held postdoctoral fellowships at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and received his Ph.D. from Cornell University.
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