32nd APDR Congress
Sustainable Transformation and Spatial Interaction of People and Places
Urban and Rural Landscapes for mobility, migration and tourism
10-11 July 2025, Porto Portugal

Sustainable Regional Development Academy
8 -9 July 2025, Porto, Portugal

The APDR invites regional scientists, economists, sociologists, geographers, urban planners, policy makers, and researchers of related disciplines to participate in the 32nd APDR Congress with the theme “Sustainable Transformation and Spatial Interaction of People and Places: Urban and Rural Landscapes for mobility, migration and tourism” that will be held from 10 to 11 of July, 2025, at the Universidade Portucalense (UPT), Porto, Portugal.

On July 8 and 9, 2025, just before the main conference, a Sustainable Regional Development Academy will be organized for a limited number participants at the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP), Porto, Portugal.

The call for papers and Special Session Proposals are open and your participation is very welcome!

Deadline for Special Session proposals: February 10, 2025. Proposals should be sent by email to the secretariat,of the Congress (apdr@apdr.pt).

Deadline for Abstracts submissions: April 2, 2025. Authors should submit their abstracts through online submission system by following the link https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/APDR2025

Deadline for Academy Applications: March 15, 2025. More information at https://www.apdr.pt/congresso/2025/academy.html

All information at the congress website: http://www.apdr.pt/congresso/2025.

Download here the call for paper.


July 8, 2025
09H00 Presentation of the Sustainable Development Index, from CESOP of UCatólica
10H00 Location Measures, Land Aptitudes, Network Analysis
11H00 Cluster Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Generalized Q Analysis
12H00 Base Model, Input Output Model, Spatial Interaction Model
13H00 Lunch
14H00 Econometric Analysis
15H00 Spatial Econometric Analysis
16H00 Technical Visit to problematic areas of PortoJuly 9, 2025
9H00 Working groups:

  1. Left behind people and places (Data Gathering and Spatial Econometrics).
  2. Sustainable tourism in urban areas. Use of Location Measures, Land Aptitudes, Network Analysis.
  3. Migrant integration and cultural identity of places Use of Cluster Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Generalized Q Analysis

13H00 Lunch
14H00 Presentations
15H30 Sessões sobre Migrações, Mercados de Trabalho e Competitividade Regional (Alto Douro, Cova da Beira, Odemira, Algarve,…).
17H00 Mesa redonda sobre Migrações, Mercados de Trabalho e Competitividade Regional.


​The goal of the Sustainable Development Academy is to provide the participants methodological skills and research experience. It will encourage meaningful discussions and exchange of ideas between the participants and field experts, fostering long-term academic collaboration.

Application – Terms and Conditions

Selection of participants
The Sustainable Regional Development Academy will aim to gather participants from any research field interested in developing skills and learning new methods on the topics of people and places interactions within space.The number of participants is limited to approximately 25.Application submission
Participants who want to participate in the Sustainable Regional Development Academy should submit their application via email (apdr@apdr.pt) by 15 March 2025 (midnight CET) and include (in PDF format):

  • A one-page Motivation letter
  • A one-page CV of the applicant


After notification of acceptance, the accepted applicants must register and pay the participation fee before the registration deadline.

The fee
Participation fee: €190 (until May 1, 2025)
The fee includes:

  • (8-9) 2 days of Sustainable Regional Development Academy with Technical Excursion
  • (9) Participation the Forum of Regions on Migration, Employment and Competitiveness.
  • (10-11) 2 days of 2025 APDR Congress
  • Lunches and coffee breaks to the 4 days
  • Official dinner (day 10);

Please note:
Participants must cover their own travel and accommodation expenses to/from the Academy venue.

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