The LOC would like to inform you that the RSAI workshop from 13-15 May is postponed to a later date during this year. The specific days will be decided after the lift of the traveling bans. LOC is committed to keep the same lecturers and Agenda as originally planned. Given the circumstances, the deadline for application have been postponed, therefore the application process is still open. When the current situation comes to an end, LOC will inform you about the new dates.
Stay safe and healthy
Local Organising Committee
RSAI Nurturing Workshop for PhD and Postdoctoral Students
Introductive methods and approaches in regional science
13 – 15 May 2020, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
The Centre for European Studies of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania will organise between 13 – 15 May 2020 an intensive program for PhD and postdoctoral students on INTRODUCTIVE METHODS AND APPROACHES IN REGIONAL SCIENCE.
The event, supported by the Regional Science Association International (RSAI), will focus on sharing new methodological approaches in regional science methodology and on developing particular abilities and competences required for PhD and postdoctoral students.
The main aim of the program is to develop a more informed and conscious use of diverse methodological techniques that can foster and enrich research in regional science and to ensure the enhancement of methodological skills and research competences of the future generation of researchers in regional science. The workshops will address a solid grounding in the concepts, practices, and procedures underlying research, as well as advanced skills for conceptualization, assessment, and analysis across cases and/or over time.
The program will benefit from the expertise of distinguished lecturers in regional science:
- Dimitris BALLAS, University of Groningen
- Peter NIJKAMP, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University / Adam Mickiewicz University
- Karima KOURTIT, Jheronimus Academy of Data Science
- Andrea CARAGLIU, Politecnico di Milano
- Tomaz Ponce DENTINHO, University of the Azores, Portugal
- Jacques POOT, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands
The workshops are designed for PhD and postdoctoral students from Eastern Europe from fields related to regional science. The Intensive program INTRODUCTIVE METHODS AND APPROACHES IN REGIONAL SCIENCE has no participation fee. The organisers will cover for: Lunch and coffee break throughout the event; Accommodation for four nights in double rooms; Registration for EURINT 2020 Conference and participation to gala dinner.
Applications must be submitted by e-mail until March 31, 2020 and include a short CV and a two-page summary of a research project.
For complete details regarding the eligibility and application process please consult the following website: .
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