2022 Sustainable Development Festival
III Edition program “The Mediterranean and sustainable development. Territory and climate, energy, water, food: from emergencies to integrated ecological development”
12, 13, 14, 18, 19 October 2022│Online & In-person
From 4 to 20 October returns the “Sustainable Development Festival“ the largest Italian initiative to raise awareness and mobilize citizens, businesses and institutions on issues of economic, social and environmental sustainability.
After the success of the previous editions, the annual appointment with the Sustainable Development Festival returns from 4 to 20 October 2022 throughout Italy, online and abroad. Also this year the Festival will take place in autumn, to maintain continuity with previous editions and to include the presentation of the ASviS Annual Report “Italy and the Sustainable Development Goals”.
For the 2022 Edition, the organiser is organizing 4 national and 1 international events on 12,13,14,18 & 19 October.
III Edition program “The Mediterranean and sustainable development. Territory and climate, energy, water, food: from emergencies to integrated ecological development”
Participation can be “online” or in person
The III Edition of the Mediterranean Events for the 2022 Sustainable Development Festival is dedicated to the emergencies that the post-pandemic and the war events have made evident: Energy, Water, Food, Climate and Territory. Elements that from Emergencies can and must be the engines of the Ecological Transition, necessarily Integrated, of anthropization and strongly linked to the two cornerstones of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – PNRR, i.e. digitization and greenery, key points of the scientific and institutional reference or the EU Green Deal.
Compatibly with the overall conditions, the Events will be in mixed mode, trying to return to “presence” but also using the great opportunities of “online” contributions, certainly less impacting from an environmental point of view even if they are very energy-intensive.
The language is Italian in four of the five events, although communications in English will be allowed, while for the international one it will be English.
1) Legno attività agricole, alimentazione, bioenergia e processi antropici
12 October 2022 – 10,00 – 12,00 CET
Dalla Fattoria della Piana (RC)
Carmelo Basile, Fattoria della Piana
Vincenzo Linarello, Presidente Gruppo Cooperativo GOEL
Guido Mignolli, Direttore GAL Terre Locridee (RC)
Giovanni Enrico Agosteo, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
Domenico Enrico Massimo, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
Silvia Brini, ISPRA
2) Energia e Territorio: Tra Comunità Energetiche, produzione diffusa e Comunità locali, Green Communities
13 October 2022, 10,00 – 12,00 CET
Marco Bussone, Presidente UNCEM
Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile – RUS
Roberta Lombardi, Assessore alla Transizione Ecologica, Regione Lazio
Comunità Energetiche, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
Francesca Assennato, ISPRA
Armando Zambrano, Presidenti Consiglio Nazionale Ingegneri – CNI
3) Acqua tra necessità, Energia e sviluppo locale
14 October 2022, 10,00 – 12,00 CET
Dal Lab. a mare NOEL, RC
Felice Arena, Laboratorio NOEL, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
Letterio Mavillia, Laboratorio MARE, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
4) Sustainability: an International Issue
18 October 2022, 10,00 – 12,00 CET
Ambasciata del Kenya a Roma
Giovanna Val Verde, Ambasciatrice del Costa Rica in Kenya
Jean Karanja, Network For Eco-Farming in Africa
Ambasciata del Portogallo in Italia
Ilaria Micheli, Università di Trieste
Francesca Moraci, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Biennale dello Stretto
5) 80° Anniversario della Legge Urbanistica n.1150: Dalla città al territorio per la Transizione Ecologica
19 October 2022, 10,00 – 12,00 CET
Angela Barbanente, Presidente SIU
Michele Talia, Presidente INU
Michele Munafò, ISPRA
Roberta Capello, Presidente AISRe
Serena Rugiero, Fondazione Di Vittorio
Francesco Miceli, Presidente CNAPPC
Concetta Fallanca, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
The Festival raises awareness every year among increasingly large sections of the population on the issues of economic, social and environmental sustainability. With the involvement of hundreds of organizations throughout Italy, the network of Italian embassies and cultural institutes abroad, the active role played by universities and the collaboration of the territories, the initiative reaches millions of people and has excellent results every edition, confirming itself as unique on the international scene and stimulating an unprecedented reflection on the future of our country, Europe and the world.
The Festival will also be increasingly enriched by a series of “new paths”: debates on the future, online training courses, artistic illumination of monuments, concerts, document presentations and much more, with the aim of spreading the messages of the 2030 Agenda also through contamination with the languages of art, culture and multimedia.