57th ERSA CONGRESS “Social Progress for Resilient Regions”
29 August – 1 September 2017 Groningen, The Netherlands
The Final Programme is available online!
Follow the event @ERSA2017Gr
Tuesday, 29 August
Opening Ceremony: Tony Venables, full professor at the University of Oxford, will hold a Keynote Lecture on ‘Urbanisation in Developing Countries’. Philip McCann will reflect on this keynote speech;
Wednesday, 30 August
Young Scientist Sessions: Presentations sessions of talented researchers;
Thursday, 31 August
Policy Day on Thursday 31 August, with contributions from the European Commission, the OECD and the EIB. We have four interesting workshops around prominent policy themes like ‘Growing inequalities and their regional implications’, ‘What works for competitiveness’ and ‘Local Policy and Happiness’.
Friday, 1 September
– Closing Ceremony
– ERSA Epainos 2017 Award for young scientist will be awarded to the best paper presented at the ERSA congress by a young researcher during the Closing Ceremony;
– ERSA Prize Winner 2017 has been awarded to Professor Roberta Capello, Full Professor of Regional Economics at Politecnico di Milano. The awarding ceremony will take place during the Closing Ceremony.
Connect with your peers:
This 57th ERSA Congress edition is the opportunity to meet 800 peers from all over the world during 230 parallel sessions on the state of the art in research in Regional Science.
You can already be connected with your peers through our social media: