The Closing ceremony of the 57th ERSA Congress in Groningen was an opportunity to celebrate excellence:
Roberta Capello has been awarded the ERSA Prize in Regional Science 2017
This year’s price awards Professor Roberta Capello’s scientific achievements in urban and regional economics, in particular her work on spatial spillovers and externalities from innovations, knowledge creation and the impacts on urban and regional growth. As an author, Professor Roberta Capello has made a tremendous impact in the field of regional science with her textbook in regional economics, Routledge (2007), and her several books and papers published in refereed journals. The jury acknowledges her outstanding and prolific contributions to the advancement of regional science.
Press release ERSA Prize Winner 2017
Further information about the ERSA prize is available on ERSA Prize
Daniel Oto-Peralías has been awarded the Epainos Award 2017
This year’s Epainos Award for the most innovative and qualitative ‘Young Scientist’ paper was granted to Daniel Oto-Peralías, University of St Andrews. His paper Medieval Frontier Origins of a Country’s Economic Geography: The Case of Spain provides enlightening insights into settlement patterns and spatial discontinuity.
Further information about the ERSA prize is available on Epainos Award