On Friday, March 30, 2018, the Notifications on Abstract/Paper Acceptance for the ERSA2018 Annual Congress have been sent out. The quality of accepted submissions for Special Sessions as well as General Themes are of high quality and interest covering many crucial topics for society. For sure, we can expect rich and vibrant discussions all over the week.
We are also delighted to announce that registration is now OPEN! Over 800 participants from all over the world expected.
As already announced, the Congress programme will offer a fabulous speakers’ line-up including Professor Serge Rey (Wednesday, August 30), Professor Ron Martin (Wednesday, August 30), Professor Eveline van Leeuwen (Thursday August 30). There will also be a Young Regional Scientists Roundtable (Friday August 31). And as a tradition in our congress, there will also be a dedicated time slot for young researchers presenting in Young Scientists and Epainos Sessions (Thursday August 30).
Technical Excursions are also proposed to participants. And last but the least Post-Congress Tours to offer participants a relaxing time and take back home a very good souvenir of Ireland!
There are many good reasons to come to Cork: You want to present your research results, network and/or exchange, find out about new developments in the field, and just to meet colleagues and friends.
Definitely, there is simply no better place than Cork next August: Register now for ERSA2018
The Congress will take place from August 28 to 31, 2018 in University College Cork. The theme of the Congress is ‘Places for People: Innovative, Inclusive, and Liveable Regions‘.
Stay updated with ERSA2018 join us @ersacork2018 using #ersacork18 or on @NewsERSA.