The Italian Section of Regional Science is calling for contributions on COVID-19 and territorial impact at the next AISRe Annual Conference (Lecce, 2 – 4 September 2020)
The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, nowadays spreading all over the world, has generated the need to understand, plan and measure the regional impact of the virus. The pandemic is having effects not only on the health level, but – as it is now widely understood – also on the economic and social levels. The required political effort must focus at the same time on the prevention of contagion, on the anticipation of the effects of the economic crisis, and on supporting the territory in the next phase of recovery of industrial, tertiary and inter-relational activities.
The impact on health services and the planning of an effective response to the proliferation of infections in substantially different territories – in terms of population density, urbanization level and social characteristics – represent two fundamental aspects in defining a virus containment program. At the same time, the inevitable consequences of the lockdown process and its prolongation have generated important effects on international, national and regional economic systems.
To improve the understanding of the factors influencing the ability of a territory to react to the effects of the pandemic, AISRe launches a Special Call for contributions on Coronavirus and territorial impacts, in view of the next annual Conference. Of particular interest are the analyses of the economic and social effects of the COVID-19 pandemic for the study of spatial and temporal spillovers, networking processes, and – in general – the effects of the virus on prices and financial assets, employment and labour conditions, consumptions, savings, habits and households living conditions.
AISRe encourages Researchers, teams of researchers and institutions to submit a contribution to the Secretariat’s email: by May 31st, 2020
Learn more ERSA Forum on multiple impacts of Coronavirus here.
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