ERSA Summer School 2020
Virtual Edition
Regions in transition, what implications for tourism and manufacturing?
15-17 June 2020
We are delighted to communicate the online agenda of the upcoming 33rd ERSA Summer School targeting PhD and post-doctoral students. Fifteen (15) participants from Europe and beyond will be attending virtually an outstanding programme of lectures given by proven scholars and they will also have the chance to present their research and get precious feedback from the lecturers:
This 33rd edition will be organised virtually in collaboration with the RSAI and the Tourism Research Group of the Institute of Geography and Sustainability (University of Lausanne) and the programme is packed with three full days lectures by eminent professors and presentations by the young researchers includes feedback by the professors. There will be also space for sharing and networking between participants and also with the participation of professors.
More details about all presentations including the 15 participants are posted online.