André Torre1, Etienne Polge2and Frédéric Wallet1are the winners of the RSPP Annual Paper Award 2021, for their paper titled Proximities and the role of relational networks in innovation: The case of the dairy industry in two villages of the “green municipality” of Paragominas. Regional Science Policy & Practice 2019, 11(2), 279-294
Download the paper here
Interesting paper for showing structural differences between large- and small-scale productions, with an informative characterization and a clear presentation of integrated methods that allow the analysis of a local and global issue (deforestation) also looking into rural innovation……
It is an enlightening Policy & Practice entry-level paper for a bright student to get his/her feet wet with this general topic.

1Université Paris‐Saclay, UMR SADAPT, INRAE/ AgroParisTech, Paris, France
2 UMR Territoires, INRAE, Université Clermont, France