ERSA Congress platform is also the place to recognize outstanding research and regional scienitists within our Community.
ERSA and RSAI presented the following awards, prizes and recognitions on 1 September at the Closing Ceremony of #ERSA2023 Congress.
ERSA Recognitions

ERSA European Prize in Regional Science 2023
Attila Varga, Professor of Applied Economics at University of Pecs, Hungary has been awarded for the ERSA Prize in Regional Science 2023 for his outstanding contribution in regional science.
László Szerb honored Attila Varga with a laudatory speech and was presented the award on behalf of the recepient.

ERSA Epainos Award 2023
Thi Minh Thu Nguyen, PhD Student at Nagoya University, Japan has been awarded the ERSA Epainos Award 2023 for her paper on “Do Special Economic Zones foster structural changes? Evidence from districts in Vietnam” presented during the Congress. The award has been presented by the Chair of the Epainos Committee, Frank van Oort to Thi Minh who has expressed her gratefulness through live video call.
RSAI Recognitions

Jean Paelinck RSAI Award 2023
Paul Elhorst, Professor at University of Groningen, The Netherlands, has received the 2023 edition of the Jean Paelinck award. Paul Elhorst is known for his innovative work on spatial panel models. He has made a host of contributions to spatial panel data models highlighted in his 2014 book Spatial Econometrics.

RSAI Fellow 2022, 2023
RSAI fellows are distinguished scholars with a proven and recognized research record in the field of regional science during a considerable part of their scientific career. Frank van Oort, Professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands (RSAI Fellow 2022) and Carlos Azzoni (RSAI Fellow 2023) Professor at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil were presented this prestigious recognition.

The Hirotada Kohno Award 2023
Daniela Constantin, Professor at Bucharest University of Economic Studies, was awarded the Kohno Prize.
The Hirotada Kohno Award recognizes outstanding Service to the RSAI. Daniela Constantin is the President of the Romanian Regional Science Association (RRSA).

Martin Beckman Prize 2023
This year’s Martin Beckmann RSAI Annual Award for the Best Paper in Papers in Regional Science went to Jhorland Ayala-García and Sandy Dall’Erba for their paper “The Impact of preemptive investments on Natural disasters“, published in Papers in Regional Science, Volume 101, Issue 5, Pages 1087-1103 (2022).

RSPP Award 2023
Harry Aginta has been awarded the Best Paper in Regional Science Policy and Practice for his paper on Spatio-temporal analysis of regional inflation in an emerging country: the case of Indonesia. Regional Science Policy Practice 14(3), 667-688 (2022)

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