The Romanian Regional Science Association announces the following plenary events on the occasion of the 14th International Conference of the RRSA, UNLOCKING REGIONAL POTENTIALS THROUGH COHESION POLICY – OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES

Keynote presentations

Roberta Capello – Politecnico di Milano, ERSA President Elect

Yannis Psycharis – Panteion University, Athens, ERSA Vice-President Elect

Kosyo Stoychev – Sofia University, President of the Bulgarian RSA

Dan Nicula – Director-General, Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency

Plenary Round Table

Regional development in times of transformation. Tailored responses from Cohesion Policy (hybrid, CEECs participation)

On-line Panelist:

Zoltán Gál – University of Pécs, President of the Hungarian RSA

Vinko Muštra – University of Split, President of the Croatian RSA

Artur Ochojski – University of Economics in Katowice, President of the Polish RSA

On-site Panelists:

Yannis Psycharis – Panteion University, Athens, ERSA Vice-President Elect

Kosyo Stoychev – Sofia University, President of the Bulgarian RSA

Cristina Serbanica – “C. Brancoveanu” University of Pitesti, Romanian RSA Board

Simona Curpan – Head of Promotion Department, Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency and Romanian RSA Board

Chair: Daniela Constantin – Bucharest University of Economic Studies, President of the Romanian RSA

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