Regional scientists of 40 countries around the world are preparing themselves to participate in the 14th World Congress of the RSAI. The RSAI Congress is back with an in-person format, from 8 to 11 April 2024, in Kecskemét, Hungary. The umbrela theme of this year’s edition is ” Sustainable Regional Economic growth: Global challenges and new regional development trajectories “.
The RSAI World Congress is intended to be an international forum for researchers and policy-makers in the field of Regional Science across the world, focusing on today’s most challenging issues.
Keynote Lectures
Plenary Session I Sarah A. Low ” Engagement and Collaboration: Community-framed research for rural resiliency in the face of climate change & Balázs Lengyel “Small worlds of regional development “
Plenary Session II – Eduardo Haddad “Modeling Spatial and Economic Impacts of Disasters “
Plenary Session III – Hee-Jung Jun “Urban Housing Development in Korea from a Comparative Perspective”
Plenary Session IV – Özge Öner “Mapping the Divide: Navigating the Microgeography and Geography of Polarisation and Discontent”
Completed by oustanding roundtables and a rich-content programme of 81 thematic sessions.
Dowlaod full programme here