Spatial Interaction Models with Land Use
A Tool for Interdisciplinary Analysis and Integrated Territorial Policy
Paulo Silveira, Azores Regional Statistics Service, Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal
Tomaz Ponce Dentinho, University of the Azores, Portugal

About the book
This book develops spatial interaction models for the analysis of human interaction within space, in terms of both accessibility and land use. Presenting case studies on the Azores and Morocco, it covers applications in various regions of Europe and Africa. The respective models simulate land use, employment, households, commuting and shopping movements and land values, employment distribution for basic activities, changes in accessibility, and changes in land suitability due to climate change.

This book will appeal to scholars and students of regional and spatial science, ecological economics, and agricultural economics, as well as to spatial planners and practitioners dealing with issues of spatial planning to address such problems as unsustainable land use, adaptation to climate change, desertification of rural areas heavily dependent on land use, and the impacts of external shocks on land and property values.

Publication Date: 26 April 2024  | ISBN: 978-3031550072

About the authors

Paulo Silveira is currently working at Azores Regional Statistics Service, Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal
Tomaz Ponce Dentinho is Professor of Regional, Environmental and Agricultural Economics at University of Azores, Editor-in-Chief, Regional Science Policy and Practice and Researcher of the Centre for Applied Economic Studies of the Atlantic (CEEAplA). Currently he’s the chair of the Local Organising Committee of the ERSA Congress 2024 which will be held next August in Terceira Island, Portugal.

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