Philippe Aydalot International Prize 2024

The Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF) awards, each year, the international Philippe Aydalot prize to the best Doctoral thesis in Regional Science. Application for the 2024 Philippe Aydalot prize is open to any young Doctor who has defended his or her doctoral thesis during the year 2023.

The call for applications is aimed at young doctors whose thesis is involved in the field of regional sciences: Regional planning, Geography, Economic sciences, Urban planning, Territorial sciences, Management sciences, Law, Political sciences, Sociology, Info-com, Civil engineering, History, etc.

The eligibility condition to be a candidate, whatever your nationality, is to have defended your thesis between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023. Traditionally, candidacy for the Aydalot Prize is reserved only for theses written in French. For three years, the Association’s Office has decided to open the possibility of application to theses written in English, provided that they meet certain conditions mentioned in the call for applications.

Young doctors can apply until Saturday April 15, 2024.

The Aydalot Prize committee will meet collectively in May to decide on the winner of this 2024 edition on the basis of two reports per application.

The winner by applying undertakes to come and present their work at the ASRDLF annual conference which will be held from June 26 to 28, 2024 in Strasbourg, in person or remotely. He/she also undertakes to submit an article to the Revue d’Économie Régionale et Urbaine within the year.

Below you will find the application form to complete and attach to the file.

Click here to download the application form for the 2024 Aydalot Prize


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