The European Regional Science Association Council (ERSAC) consists of the representatives of the European sections. A Council Meeting is held yearly with the majority of present members taking a decision.

The European Regional Science Association Council (ERSAC) consists of the representatives of the European Sections (who must be members of their respective Section) as well as up to three additional members elected by the Council (ERSAC).

The ERSAC elects the ERSA Board: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

ERSAC Board members (Sections representatives)

  • Baltic section
    Diana Cibulskienė
    Institute of Regional Development, Siauliai Academy, Vilnius University
    Address: P. Višinskio g. 38, Šiauliai, Lithuania
    Phone: ++370 41 595 864 Mobile Phone: +370 652 39930
    E-mail: diana.cibulskiene(at) or diana.cibulskiene(at)
  • British and Irish section
    Maria Abreu
    Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, UK.
    E-mail: ma405(at)
  • Bulgarian Section
    Kosyo Stoychev
    Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria
    E-mail: k_stoychev(at)
  • Croatian section
    Vinko Müstra
    University of Split, Faculty of Economics (EFST), Croatia
    E-mail: vinko.mustra(at)
  • Dutch section
    Martijn Smit
    Universiteit Utrecht
    Dept. of Human Geography and Planning, The Netherlands
    E-mail: M.J.Smit(at)
  • French-speaking section
    Abdelillah Hamdouch
    Polytechnic School, University of Tours
    Department of Spatial Planning and Environmental Engineering, France
    Email: abdelillah.hamdouch(at)
  • German-speaking section
    Stephan Brunow
    University of Applied Labour Studies
    Wismarsche Str. 405, Schwerin 19055, Germany
    E-mail: Stephan.Brunow(at)
  • Greek section
    Yannis Psycharis
    Dept. of Economics and Regional Development, Panteion University,
    136 Syngrou Avenue, 176 71 Athens, Greece
    Phone: +30 210 9201722; Fax.: +30 210 9232979
    E-mail: psycharis(at)
  • Hungarian section
    Zoltán Gál
    Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Papnovelde u 22, 7621 Pécs, Hungary
    Phone: +36 30 7199448
    E-mail: galz(at)
  • Israeli section
    Danny Ben-Shahar
    Tel Aviv University
    Coller School Of Management
    E-mail: bdanny(at)
  • Italian section
    Domenico Scalera
    Università degli Studi del Sannio
    Department of Law, Economy, Management  & Quantitative Methods (DEMM)
    E-mail: scalera(at)
  • Moroccan section
    Abdellatif Khattabi
    Ecole Nationale Forestiere d’Ingénieurs, Salé, Morocco
    E-mail: ab_khattabi(at)
  • Nordic section
    Martin Andersson
    Blekinge Institute Of Technology, Institutionen för industriell ekonomi, Rum J2415, Sweden
    E-mail: martin.andersson(at)
  • Polish section
    Artur Ochojski
    University of Economics in Katowice; Faculty of Economics,
    Department of Strategic and Regional Studies, Katowice, Poland
    E-mail: ersa(at); artur.ochojski(at)
  • Portuguese section
    João Carlos Correia Leitão
    University Beira Interior
    Convento de Sto. António.
    6201-001 Covilhã. Portugal.
    E-mail: jleitao(at)
  • Romanian section
    Daniela L. Constantin
    Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest,
    Bd. Lascar Catargiu 16A, ap.8 sector 1,
    RO-010761 Bucharest, Romania
    Phone: +4  0723 184 807; Fax: +4 021 40 29 210
    E-mail: dconstan(at) or danielaconstantin_2005(at)
  • Russian section
    Alexander Pelyasov
    Council for Research of Productive Forces, under Russian Academy of Sciences and
    Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Moscow 117997, Russian Federation
    Phone: +7 (095)135-34-59; Fax: +7 (095)745-36-91
    E-mail: pelyasov(at)
  • Slovak section
    Miroslav Šipikal
    University of Economics in Bratislava
    Dpt of Public Administration and Regional Development
    Dolnozemská Cesta 1, 85235 Bratislava
    E-mail: miroslav.sipikal(at)
  • Spanish section
    Fernando Rubiera Morollón
    REGIOlab, Laboratorio de Análisis Económico Regional
    Universidad de Oviedo
    Avda. del Cristo S/N, 33006 – Oviedo (Asturias), Spain
    Email: frubiera(at)
  • Turkish section
    Tüzin Baycan
    Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University
    Taşkışla 34437 Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey
    Phone: +90 212 29 313 00 (Ext. 2296); Fax: +90 212 25 14 895
    E-mail: tbaycan(at) and tuzinbaycan(at)

RSAI Councillors elected by ERSAC
(update January 2024)

  • Roberta Capello
    RSAI Councillor as ERSA President, term 2024-2028,  ends in December 2028
    Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
    Email: roberta.capello(at)
  • Lise Bourdeau-Lepage
    RSAI Councillor from ERSA, term 2023-2025, term ends in December 2025
    (First term as RSAI Councillor to start as of January 2023; nominated by ERSA to take over in 2023 from Francisco Carballo-Cruz
    Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3
    UMR Environnement Ville Société
    E-mail: lblepage(at)
  • Eveline van Leeuwen
    RSAI Councillor from ERSA, term 2023-2025), Second term ends in December 2025; (First term: 2020-2022)
    Wageningen University – Department of Urban Economics
    The Netherlands
    E-mail: eveline.vanleeuwen(at)

RSAI Councillors-at-large
(update January 2024)

  • Daniela-Luminita Constantin
    RSAI Councillor-at-large, term ends in December 2025 (I term: 2020-2022; II term: 2023-2025)
    Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Camilla Lenzi
    RSAI Councillor-at-large, term ends in December 2026 (I term: 2024-2026)
    Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • Katarzyna Kopczewska
    RSAI Councillor-at-large, term ends in December 2026 (I term: 2024-2026)
    University of Warsaw, Poland
  • Tomaz Ponce Dentinho
    RSAI Councillor-at-large, term ends in December 2024 (I term: 2022-2024)
    University of Azores, Portugal

 In case of any inaccuracies or errors please contact the Secretary at rosella.nicolini(at)

ERSAC recent Meeting Agendas