The Sustainable Development Festival 2022

2022 Sustainable Development Festival III Edition program “The Mediterranean and sustainable development. Territory and climate, energy, water, food: from emergencies to integrated ecological development” 12, 13, 14, 18, 19 October 2022│Online & In-person From 4 to 20 October returns...

NMP2022: Rhegion United Nation 2030

New Metropolitan Perspectives – 5th International Symposium 25-27 May 2022, Reggio Calabria, Italy It will include the II Edition of Rhegion United Nations 2030: II Edition Rhegion United Nations 2030: Towards a new space’s ORMA, Opportunity and Risks of...

SETTLE International Congress

SETTLE International Congress Population imbalances in Europe 27-29 April 2022, University of Alcalá, Madrid The SETTLE International Congress is part of an ERASMUS+ project entitled: “Population imbalances in Europe: challenges of urban concentration versus rural depopulation” (SETTLE). It will...

IX Conference on Regional Science

Conference on Regional Science of Castilla y León Regional economy in times of crisis 14-15 October, 2021 │ Online This is the ninth edition of the Conference on Regional Science of Castilla y León. In previous editions we have dealt...

2021 Sustainable Development Festival

5th Sustainable Development Festival New Metropolitan Perspectives 28 September – 14 October 2021│ Hybrid Now in its fifth edition, the Sustainable Development Festival organized by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), is the largest Italian initiative to raise awareness and mobilize...

Online Workshop on cohesion policy

Online workshop Cohesion policy: evidence-based lessons for digital and green recovery in Europe 24 September 2021 (CET)│ Online The workshop is organized by the Rossi-Doria Centre (Roma Tre University) and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in collaboration with the European...