Società Italiana degli Economisti dei Trasporti e della Logistica (SIET) 2022
Transport, Tourism and Sustainable Development
8-9 September 2022, Varese, Italy
The organizer committee is pleased to announce that the XXIV Conference of the Italian Society of Transport Economics and Logistics (SIET) ( will be on the 8th September and 9th September 2022 at the campus of University of Insubria, Department of Economics, via Monte Generoso, 71 21100 Varese. The conference is organised by the research group on “Transport, regulation and sustainable development” of University of Insubria – Department of Economics, Varese. The title of this year Conference is “Transport, Tourism and Sustainable Development”.
The aim of the Conference is to promote the academic debate and in-depth scientific interactions among researchers and experts on recent advances in the field of transport economics with a specific focus on transport, tourism and sustainability. Keynote lectures by international experts on the field will be organised.
Theoretical and empirical papers are welcome on the topic of the Conference and on related issues, such as (not exhaustively): transport and tourism, tourist destinations’ accessibility, sustainable mobility, cycle tourism, cycling and walking, transport and tourism decarbonization, transport and urban development, travel behaviour, public transport, intermodality, transport and innovation, transport and ICT, Mobility as a Service (MaaS), green freight transport and logistics, last mile delivery, transport market regulation and competition, sustainable transport policy, maritime/air/rail/road transport and sustainability, etc.
Call for Special Sessions
Those who would like to organize a special thematic session can submit a proposal by April 11th, 2022, at the following link:, including the name(s) of proponent(s), title, an abstract (max 200 words, 3-4 keywords) and a list of possible contributions (title, author(s), affiliations, corresponding contact). Please consider that each special session should include at least 4 contributions.
Abstract and paper submission
Please submit an abstract (max 600 words, including references) by April 30th, 2022 at the following link: The abstract should clearly state the research question(s), the methodology, the main (or expected) results and max 5 selected references. The document should indicate title, author(s), affiliations, corresponding contact, three keywords. Contributors, whose abstract is accepted, are invited to submit by email to the local organizing committee, a full paper by and no later than July 30th, 2022.
Young researchers (under 35 years) could apply, when submitting the abstract and paper, for the “2022 SIET Best Paper Award”. The prize amounts to € 300,00 in addition to a two-year SIET membership. Submitted papers, whether theoretical or empirical, can pertain to any subject in the area of transport economics and logistics. Moreover, during the Conference also the prize “2022 SIET Best Doctoral thesis” will be awarded to the winner, who have to present the paper at the conference. Further details about the awards will be soon communicated by the SIET President.
Important dates
Proposal for Special Session deadline: April 11th, 2022
Abstract submission deadline: April 30th, 2022 (Abstract template)
Accepted abstracts notification: May 31st, 2022
Full paper submission deadline: July 30th, 2022
Early bird conference registration: June 30th, 2022
Local Organising Committee (Department of Economics, University of Insubria): Elena Maggi, Anna Claudia Caspani, Daniele Crotti, Irina Di Ruocco, Jurgena Myftiu, Evangelia Pantelaki, Matteo Scacchi, Ottavia Valentini
Scientific Organising Committee: Oliviero Baccelli, Angela Stefania Bergantino, Claudio Ferrari, Valerio Gatta, Elena Maggi, Lucia Rotaris
Contacts: Department of Economics Università degli Studi dell’Insubria Via Monte Generoso, 71 – 21100 Varese (Italy)

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