17th EU-REAL Workshop
“Regional and urban economic modelling”
3-4 September 2020, University of Warsaw, Poland (guided tour on September 5th)
The Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw is pleased to announce the 17th European Union Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (EU REAL) Workshop, with a focus on “Regional and urban economic modelling”. The workshop will be held in Warsaw (Poland), on September 3-4, 2019. We kindly invite contribution on topics related (but not limited to):
– Regional economic growth and development
– Regional, rural and urban policy
– Infrastructure, transport flows and networks among regions
– Input-Output (IO) and Computable General Equilibrium models (CGE)
– Tourism and regional development – Migration and regional labor markets
– Regional healthcare planning and migration flows
– Quantitative methods for regional sciences
– Spatial concentration
– Spatial econometrics and statistics
Abstracts, with a maximum of 500 words, including author’s name(s), affiliation(s), main topic and 3-5 keywords should be sent by May 15th 2020 to: brokicki@wne.uw.edu.pl
The European Union – Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (EU-REAL) is a research net in regional science integrated by European people tied to the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL) in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA. Like REAL, the EU-REAL focuses on the development and use of analytical models for urban and regional forecasting and economic development.

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