ERSA Summer School 2023
The Digital Future of Smart Regions
3-7 July 2023, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
The European Regional Science Association, in collaboration with Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași – Centre for European Studies (CES-UAIC) and the support of the Romanian Regional Science Association (RRSA), is pleased to announce the organisation of the 36th ERSA Summer School which will be held in person at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania, from 3 -7 July 2023.
This 36th edition will feature the theme on “The Digital Future of Smart Regions”.
The digitalisation and the “smart revolution” mark the beginning of a new era in spatial planning and regional development. Nevertheless, despite the exaggerate focus shown by the scientific community and the decision makers on the technological dimension, a smart region is not only a set of technological tools, but a network system of people, infrastructure, economy, institutions.
Therefore, several issues are still under close scrutiny, such as the role and the impact of digitalisation in enabling the climate ambitions and the EU Green Deal, how a smart development framework could be harnessed for enhancing the development of rural areas and equalising the existing urban-rural divides, the implications of digitalisation upon the transport of the future, the challenges of smart tourism destinations, the sustainability of smart city projects, the role of digitalisation in circular economy model, and many others.
The ERSA Summer School 2023 will aim to gather PhD students, post-doctoral students, and young researchers working on digitalization, smart development, smart city and other related topics who are trying to answer the abovementioned challenges.
Key Dates
Call for Application start 8 February 2023
Application deadline 24 March 2023
Notification of acceptance 21 24 April 2023
& Registration start
Registration & payment 26 May 2023

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