Rethinking Clusters International Conference (Online)
Rethinking Clusters: place-based initiatives for inclusive, Innovative and reflective societies
24 – 25 November, 2020, Universitat Politècnica de València & Universitat de València, Spain

The Universitat Politècnica de València and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia in collaboration with the University of Padova and the University of Florence organize the 3rd International Workshop on Cluster Research with a topic: “Rethinking Clusters: place-based initiatives for inclusive, Innovative and reflective societies”.

The event aims to to bring together some of the world’s leading scholars working on clusters, networks, ecosystems, platforms and regions. The conference gathers scholars from economic geography, innovation studies, regional science, as well as those working on economics and management, sociology or network theory.

In 2020, the third edition of the conference will take place in Valencia (Spain) and, besides the main themes which also characterized the previous editions, a special attention will be given to how clusters contribute to inclusive, innovative and reflective societies. The conference focuses on emergent issues related to the evolutionary trajectories of clusters, which encompass the major challenges of the globalization of production, the extension of the value chains, the opportunities of smart technologies in manufacturing and services, the transition towards sustainability and the challenge of the artificial intelligence, but also how clusters produce value for the society.

Due to COVID threat, the III° meeting will be held online to keep up with the Rethinking Clusters conversation, join us!!! Why a virtual Conference? Because academic conversation should not stop.

The contents of the conference relate, but are not limited, to these themes:

1. Regional development and clusters for inclusion and cohesion: a socioeconomic approach
2. Multinationals, clusters and global value chains
3. Technological change, innovation, networks and ecosystems
4. Cluster life cycle, resilience and evolutionary trajectories of local systems
5. Clusters’ transition towards sustainability and regional development
6. Entrepreneurship in clusters, local systems and ecosystems
7. Culture and creative industries in sustainability transitions
8. Industry 4.0 and digitalization of firms, clusters and regions
9. Artificial intelligence in clusters and local development
10. Place-based policies: inclusive, reflexive and innovative initiatives
11. Sustainability transitions in the energy sector
12. Complexity theory and sustainable development
13. Research methods on clusters, industrial districts and local systems

Key dates
Submission deadline: September, 1st, 2020
Notification of acceptance: September, 30th, 2020
Registration opening: September, 1st, 2020
Registration deadline: October, 30th, 2020
Conference dates: November, 24th-25th, 2020

Interested contributors should send an extended abstract or a full paper to the email address:  from July 1st till September 1st, 2020.

Download here for the Call for papers.

The organisers encourage submissions from scholars in the social and scientific sciences, who are forging ahead with innovation strategies to shift towards digitization and sustainability. We welcome contributions that develop innovative approaches in concepts, theory, methods or analysis and have deep or broad implications to inform transitions to digitization and sustainability, and that use observational, experimental or theory-driven modes of inquiry, either at the micro- or meso-level of analysis.

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