Capture d’écran 2016-02-02 à 14.46.37°°A. I. S. Re. XXXVII Annual Scientific Conference
°°Which borders? Territories between identity and international integration?
°°20-22 September 2016, Ancona, Italy

The Italian Association of Regional Studies (AISRe) invites authors to present an original, unpublished work for its Annual Scientific Conference.

The specific aim of the XXXVII Conference AISRe is to strengthen the scientific research effort in the field of Regional Science towards themes of particular relevance in order to overcome the constraints of current political and administrative borders, through the development of single identities and the strengthening of the integration process in a perspective of an international projection.

Important deadlines:
* The deadline for submitting the coordinator’s name, the title of the session and the number of contributions/slots is 15 March 2016

* The deadline for the abstract submission is the 1 April 2016
