ERSA Web Conference 2020
Spatial Challenges for the New World
25 – 26 – 27 August 2020
Due to the Covid crisis, ERSA organizes this year a Web Conference on the theme of “Spatial Challenges for the New World“. This conference is to replace the usual ERSA Congress.
It will gather keynote presentations, a round-table and presentations of papers. We invite you to reflect with us on the spatial, social and economic consequences of the pandemic, but most of all to think about the construction of the New Worlds to come and the future solutions for Regions and territories.
Draft programme to be available around the 20th of July.
Registration for Attendees starts on July 20th.
Visit regularly the Conference website for further updates.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Professor Pierre-Alexandre Balland – Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Pierre-Alexandre Balland is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Geography & Planning at Utrecht University (Netherlands), where he serves as the deputy-head of the research programme in Economic Geography, and a visiting professor at the Media Lab. His research focuses on the geography of knowledge, the geography of networks and sustainable cities. He is particularly interested in the persistent role of geographical proximity in the digital age.
Professor Simin Davoudi – Newcastle University, USA
Simin Davoudi FAcSS is Professor of Environmental Policy and Planning at Newcastle University. Currently, she is a member of the DCLG Expert Panel on Housing market and Planning, and is expert advisor for the DG Environment of European Commission for Urban Environment.At Newcastle University, she is affiliated with School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Institute for Research on Environment and Sustainability, and Global Urban Research Unit.
Doctor Mafini Dosso – European Commission JRC, Spain
Mafini Dosso is a Senior Researcher and working as an economist and policy analyst at the European Commission DG JRC, Seville, Spain. She dedicates her works to the analysis of innovation investments of the top global companies from EU and abroad to support the European industrial and innovation policy agenda. She is now also leading the JRC’s conceptual and policy approach on Africa-EU cooperation for territorial innovation policies and smart specialisation.
Professor Raquel Ortega-Argilés – University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Raquel Ortega-Argilés is a Professor at The Department of Strategy and International Business Chair, Regional Economic Development, University of Brimingham, United Kingdom. Currently, Raquel Ortega-Argilés holds the Chair in Regional Economic Development at the department of Strategy and International Business and the City-REDI research institute at Birmingham Business School, The University of Birmingham, UK. Her current research work focuses Productivity, Innovation, Regional development, SMEs, entrepreneurship and industrial dynamics and on regional and European Policy.
Professor Daniel M. Sturm – London School of Economics, United Kingdom
Daniel Sturm, M.Sc. (LSE), Ph.D. (LSE), is a Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at the London School of Economics and also a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research. His research interests are primarily in the areas of Economic Geography and Political Economy. In particular he works on the empirical implications of economic geography models and also on the empirical effects of electoral accountability on policy choices. His work has been published in a number of academic journals.
Professor Hans Westlund – KTH Royal Institut of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden
Hans Westlund is a Professor in Urban and Regional Studies, Head of Department of Urban Planning and Environment at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, and Professor in Entrepreneurship at Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping, Sweden. He was also the organizer of the very successful 50th ERSA Congress in Jönköping in 2010. His main fields of research include innovation and entrepreneurship, social capital and social economy, and regional policies. He has published about 40 articles in peer reviewed journals, including the first article ever on ‘multidimensional entrepreneurship’.
#scenarios #future #regionalscience #territorialfutures #lookingbeyond #changingworld #megatrends #globaltrends #regionaltrends #Europe #sustainability #pandemic #socialdistances #de-globalisation #re-territorialisation #multipleimpactsofcrises #sustainabiliytransitions #climatechange #Covid19
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