20th European Week of Regions and Cities
10-13 October 2022
By default, the event is announced as digital but the format of the event will be confirmed as soon as possible in the coming months.
#EURegionsWeek 2022 Focus
The #EURegionsWeek 2022 will be centered on four topics:
- Green Transition
- Territorial Cohesion
- Digital Transition
- Youth empowerment
#EURegionsWeekUniversity Sessions 2022
The Call for University Session Proposals is OPEN
Deadline for session proposals: 5 pm CET, 16th March 2022
RSA, ERSA and AESOP will host around 10 sessions in-person or virtual (format to be confirmed) showcasing the best of new research to the largely policy-based audience at the week. We are now inviting proposals for these sessions. Participation in the #EURegionsWeek is an excellent opportunity to:
- showcase current academic research to policymakers and practitioners
- interact with actors in cohesion policy – politicians, policymakers, and practitioners
- reflect on key and emerging themes for future research
- promote knowledge exchange between policymakers and researchers and grow networks and alliances
- demonstrate the value/impact of research
The submission form will be soon available. Please click here for more details.
The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to regional policy. This event serves as a platform for discussing and showcasing the development of EU cohesion policy and making decision-makers more aware of the importance of regions and cities in EU policymaking. More info: https://europa.eu/regions-and-cities/home_en The University Sessions are organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO)and the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) advised by the Regional Studies Association European Foundation (RSA Europe) and with the cooperation of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) and the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP).

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