58th ASRDLF Symposium
Transitions, Territorial governance and solidarities
29 June–1 July 2022, Rennes, France

Call for Special Session deadline: December 1, 2021
Download the call

The French Speaking Section of ERSA, ASRDLF is happy to announce the 58th ASRDLF Colloquium which is scheduled from June 29 to July 1, 2022, will take place in Rennes (France).

The theme is “Transitions, Territorial governance and solidarities”.

The 58th ASRDLF symposium will look closely at these shifts taking place. The following questions will for example be tackled: What economic, social, political and ecological changes are under way at territorial scales? Can new territorial inequalities be identified?
How does the ecological transition alter spatial balances and local policy capacities? The focus will be on the role played by local systems in governing transitions and inclusive action, encouraging a fresh multidisciplinary approach.

In parallel with the main theme, “Transitions, territorial governance and solidarity”, broken down into 7 targeted sessions, proposals for papers can also correspond to one of the recurring sessions or special sessions, which very broadly cover regional science research questions. Click on the following link to and the full list of sessions :

Call for abstract deadline: 2 April 2022

Download the Call for abstract_EN(asrdlf2022.org)

More on this event

Philippe Aydalot International Prize 2022

The Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF) awards the Philippe Aydalot International Prize each year to the best doctoral thesis in Regional Science. The application for the Philippe Aydalot 2022 Prize is open to any young doctor who has defended his or her doctoral thesis during the year 2021 and -exceptionally, for this year marked by the health pandemic- until 15 January 2022.

The eligibility criteria for candidates, whatever their nationality, is to have defended their thesis between 1 January 2021 and 15 January 2022.Traditionally, candidacy for the Aydalot Prize is reserved for theses written in French. In 2021, the Board of the Association has decided to open the possibility of applying to theses written in English, provided that they meet one of the following conditions: a. thesis carried out within a French-speaking laboratory or institute; b. thesis whose research subject concerns a French-speaking area or whose problematic is based on French-speaking research work.

The application file must be composed of the following elements:
– thesis, thesis pre-report and defence report
– registration form (file name Aydalot 2022_name of the candidate)

Applications must be sent electronically to the following address: prix.aydalot@gmail.com

Application deadline: Friday 15 April 2022
Each application will be subject to two expert appraisals.
Téléchargez ici la Aydalot_2022_Fiche_Candidature

The Aydalot Prize Committee will meet in June to decide on the winner of this 2022 edition on the basis of two reports per application. The winner will be invited to present his/her work at the annual ASRDLF conference to be held from 29 June to 1 July 2022 in Rennes. By applying, the winner undertakes to present his/her research at the conference. He/she will be invited to submit an article to the Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine within the year.

Independently of the awarding of the prize and during the year 2022, the ASRDLF will put on its website the thesis of the candidates who have authorised the diffusion to the members of the ASRDLF or a link to the website of the Doctoral School of the Doctor if the thesis is available to the public for a period of 6 months. Thus, all candidates will be able to make their work known to all members of the association if they wish.


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