59th ASRDLF Colloquium
Les territoires périphériques et ultrapériphériques face aux crises majeures. Le retour de la distance
(Peripheral territories and outermost regions in the face of major crises. The return of distance)
28-30 June 2023, University of Reunion, France
The Call for abstracts deadline: 15 February 2023
The French Speaking Section of ERSA, ASRDLF is happy to announce the 59th ASRDLF Colloquium Which will be held from 28 to 30 of June 2023 at the Faculty of Law and Economics & Faculty of Sciences of Man and the Environment, University of Reunion, South Campus, France with the theme “Les territoires périphériques et ultrapériphériques face aux crises majeures. Le retour de la distance”.
The organiser is also delighted to announce that the call for abstract is open.
Instructions :
Paper proposals should include the following:
1. The contact details of the author(s) (Last name, First name, title, affiliation, email)
2. The title of the proposal
3. The name of one or two sessions (specific or recurrent or special) in which the proposal falls
4. An 800-word summary setting out the objective of the communication, the originality of the subject, the method used, the results obtained
5. A list of 5 keywords
6. A bibliography specific to the proposal (10 titles maximum)
Call for applications “Young researchers” grants
ASRDLF “young researchers” grants will be awarded for an amount that may not exceed 400 euros each (including conference registration fees). These scholarships help financially young researchers, doctoral students or young post-doctoral students to participate in the conference by covering part of the costs.
A call for applications for Young Researchers Grants will be launched from 31 March until 14 April 2023 (12 noon Paris time).
Antoine Bailly Prize 2023
A prize will be awarded to the best written communication presented by one (or more) doctoral student(s) or young doctors (specific terms and conditions for participating: https://asrdlf2023.org/appel-communications)
Important Dates
16 December 2022 Call for papers (CV of 800 words)
15 February 2023 Deadline for sending CVs of communications
31 March 2023 Notification of acceptance / refusal of communication proposals + request for confirmation of their arrival by return email & Call for applications for Young Researchers Grants
14 April 2023 Deadline for applications for Young Researchers grants at noon Paris time
28 April 2023 Notification of acceptance or refusal of applications for Young Researchers grants
5 May 2023 End of reduced rates
31 May 2023 Deadline for sending the full version for the Antoine Bailly Prize & Submission of the final texts of the communications
28,, 28 & 30 June: Colloquium
For any questions regarding the submission of a communication proposal, contact us by email: contact@asrdlf2023.org
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