FUTURE Days 2020
Science and Public Policies for Cities
1-3 December 2020, Université Gustave Eiffel, Marne-la-Vallée, France
Under the supervision of Université Gustave Eiffel, the FUTURE Days 2020 will take place the 2nd and 3rd of December 2020. This event will bring together world-class experts, researchers from various disciplines, practitioners, public and private leaders, members of the civil society in order to share and learn from experiences coming from all over the world. The aim is to share their knowledges, solutions, questions, choices relevance and operational implementations modalities. It will focus on actionable policy making recommendations at local and global scales, as well as in a European perspective including the implementation of Horizon Europe programs and the development of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.
The Future Days 2020 will confront the new research and innovation results and knowledges to the technical, paradigmatic or political choices made in urban public policies intervention. A part of the FUTURE Days 2020 will be organised around sessions built on the selected proposed communications. Urban public policies cover a wide areas like transportation and mobility, building and housing, urban planning and architecture, resources management and associated services (wates, water, energy, materials…), health and well-being, culture, education, business development and social progress.
This event will highlight the potential of a renewed dialogue among disciplines to shape the future : material sciences, civil engineering , geosciences, ecology, digital sciences, mathematics, logistics, psychology, sociology, political sciences, arts, history, litterature, etc… Communications will be organized around three main topics: Technical, paradigmatic and political debates on urban public policies in order to face climatic, energetic and societal urban challenges, sectorial urban policies have to deal with a great number of technical or methodological choices on construction materials, design, operation, building, infrastructures and networks maintenance while taking into account economical, environmental, security, resilience and circular urban issues. New knowledges, tools, methods are consequently needed and must be shared. These sectorial urban policies are also guided by paradigmatic choices and development models.
Call for communications schedule
Communication proposals can be submitted in English (or French) (1,500 words maximum), before 20th 27th March 2020 on https://www.futuredays.fr/en/call-for-communications/.
Proposals will be selected by the FUTURE Days scientific committee (see the composition below).
The selection will be based on:
• The relevance of the proposal to the main topic of the FUTURE Days
• The relevance of the proposal to the three axis
• The innovative and disruptive approach proposed
• The diversity of cities contexts presented
Selection of the proposals: 30th March 2020.

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