°° International Conference
°° New ideas and new generations of regional policy in Eastern Europe
°° 7-8 April 2016, Pécs, Hungary °°
In the new Cohesion Policy period the EU member states have more options to signify their specificities, to search for more adequate solutions to their particular challenges. The conference aims to refresh the discussions on domestic regional issues, and to create partnerships among the regional science’s younger scholars from Western Europe, Central Europe, as well as from East Europe and the Balkan. Beside these objectives, based on the principals of the EU Eastern Partnership Framework, the conference fosters the more fruitful relations and cooperation with the concerned neighboring area’s experts of regional studies and development policy.
The planned topics:
A. The challenges and specialties of the cohesion policy in Eastern Europe
B. From globally-ranked metropolises to rural ghettoes: the changing patterns of socio-spatial
inequalities across East Central Europe
C. Regional aspects of new environmental paradigm
D. Borders in Europe – fences, permeability
E. International migration processes and migrant trajectories in Eastern-Central Europe
F. Mental Spaces in Eastern Europe
G. Human capital, creativity, social innovations in rural area
H. Different forms of capital in the regional development
I. Smart City, the liveable city