May 2023, Turin, Italy
(Exact date of the conference will be posted in due time)
Call For XI Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award
Subject: Urban economies as complex systems
Deadline: 19 March 2023
Young researchers (born after 31 December 1988) are invited to participate to the 11th GIORGIO ROTA Best Paper Award by submitting high quality scientific papers presenting original research on the subject “Urban economies as complex systems”.
The workshop date and program will be published on the Centro Einaudi website ( The award is in Collaboration with Department of Economics and Statistics ‘Cognetti De Martiis’(ESt, University of Turin), with the Participation of Department of Economics, Social Studies, Applied Mathematics and Statistics (ESOMAS, University of Turin). With the Support of Fondazione CRT
The eleventh edition of the award in the memory of the illustrious economist Giorgio Rota aims to stimulate outstanding contributions of scientific reflection on urban regions and cities as complex economic systems. Traditionally, cities have affirmed as main drivers of economic growth and technological change. However, the ongoing dramatic crises perturbing the global economic scenario (pandemics, war, climate emergency) are posing relevant questions on the
future of cities as places where to live and produce. Stagnating urban productivity, rapid urbanization and financialization, rising inequalities, new environmental and health threats are some of the main issues of the contemporary city agenda, that are of interest of this Call.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
New urban economies and industries
Real estate markets and the urban-financial conjuncture
Diversification and specialization in cities
Urban development and the ecological paradigm
Externalities in the urban economy
Urban inequality and poverty
Opportunities and threats of urban regeneration
Urban sustainability transitions: theory and practice
Emerging issues for urban policy (sustainability, resilience, climate adaptation)
Urban benchmarking and comparative urbanism
A maximum of three papers will be selected and the authors will be awarded a prize of 1.500 Euros (gross) per paper. The authors will be invited to present their work at the Giorgio Rota Conference that will be organised in May 2023 in Turin in presence or by webinar. The workshop date and programme will be published on the Centro Einaudi website (
Participation to the conference is mandatory in order to be awarded the prize. The Centro Einaudi will also refund up to a maximum of 1.000 Euros for travel/accomodation expenses to Turin, depending on the place of origin (one author for each paper).
The GIORGIO ROTA Best Paper Award is open to researchers born after 31 December 1988 who have obtained a university graduate qualification (BA, MA or PhD) in the fields of economics, geography, sociology, political science or other social sciences.
Researchers who have already been awarded a prize in the past two years are not eligible to participate in this Call.
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