21st Annual Meeting
Research of the Carpathian-Balkan region
2-3 November 2023, Pécs, Hungary

Deadline for submitting session proposals: 30 June 2023.

MRTT XXI. public and wandering assembly will be held in Pécs. The event will be hosted by the  Faculty of Economics of the University of Pécs . The organising committee is planning three plenary sessions, one round table discussion and around 200 presentations in 24 sessions.  The first circular is available on the website.

In terms of some disciplines and research topics, Pécs functions as a center in the country, such as regional science, research on the Carpathian Basin and the Balkans. The main topic of the wandering assembly is therefore the Carpathian-Balkan region. This is an important link between the Regional Research Institute and several faculties and departments of the University of Pécs. The wandering assembly also reflects on several jubilees: the Erzsébet University began operating in Pécs 100 years ago; the Transdanubian Science Institute is 80 years old; the series of MRTT traveling meetings started from Pécs 20 years ago; the first issue of the Balkan Booklets and the first volume of the Carpathian Basin Region monograph series were also published 20 years ago in Pécs.


♦ November 2, 2023 ♦ Thursday ♦ 

09.00–10.00 General Assembly (amendment of the articles of association, election of officers, report of the chairman and audit committee)

10.00–12.00 Plenary session 1. (in Hungarian)

13.30–16.00 Section meetings in eight sections, parallel

16.30–18.30 Plenary session 2. (in English) Keynote: Andrés Rodríguez-Pose (London School of Economics)

♦ November 3, 2023 ♦ Friday ♦ 

09.00–11.30 Section meetings in eight sections, in parallel

13.00–14.30 Plenary session 3. (in Hungarian)

15.00–18.00 Section meetings in eight sections, parallel


MRTT is waiting for applications from company members to organize and conduct sessions in Hungarian or English. We are planning eight sessions in parallel, in three time slots. The proposer must assume the role of section president and organize the section. The section leader will ensure that at least four high-quality lectures are held with speakers invited based on his own decision, and he will also have the opportunity to choose among those who apply for a lecture.

The proposal for sessions includes:

  • the working title of the session, a short description (in 500–1500 characters), the contact details of the section president,
  • four presenters (name, degree, position, represented organization, job title of presentation) and
  • four potential presenters (name, represented organization).

Please send the proposal to secretary Szilárd Rácz by 30 June 2023 to the e-mail address szracz@rkk.hu .

The MRTT presidency will decide on the sections at the beginning of July 2023. The sections will be announced in the 2nd circular of the traveling assembly in July 2023. You can apply individually with a session presentation based on the request of the section presidents or by submitting an abstract according to the conditions in Circular 2.


Registration period: 1 September 2023 –  10 October 2023.

The organizing committee respectfully requests that   all participants fill out the ►  ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM, which serves as the basis for invoicing, during the above period on the MRTT website.

The transfer of participation fees  must be arranged by October  20, 2023.

The  participation fee for the wandering meeting is HUF 36,000 gross .

The  discounted participation fee for the traveling assembly  for members of MRTT and   members of partner organizations (MST, MUT) is  HUF 26,000 gross .

The participation fee includes an average of HUF 23,000 billed food and beverage service!


We invite you to attend the traveling meeting. We reserve the right to change the program!

In connection with the traveling assembly, contact secretary Szilárd Rácz at (72) 523 800 or at the e-mail address szracz@rkk.hu .

LOCATION: University of Pécs Faculty of Economics ( 7622 Pécs, Rákóczi út 80. )

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