Interreg Alpine Space project: International Seminar
Capacity building seminar on open space planning for young professionals
22-25 July 2021, Parkhotel Brunauer in Salzburg (AT)

As  part of the activities of the “AlpPlan” alpine spatial  planning network, the Interreg Alpine Space project “OpenSpaceAlps” is organising a capacity building seminar on open space planning.

The seminar will bring together young professionals from different alpine countries and regions. In the capacity building seminar we aim to improve the competences of spatial and sectoral planning practitioners and advanced students. The seminar deals with specific skills and tools that help planners to identify relevant open spaces, analyse their functions and provide for legal safeguarding.

The seminar is targeted at young professionals from various disciplines: young people (up to 35 years of age) working in spatial or sectoral planning practice (e.g. public planning or conservation administrations; private planning offices) as well as advanced students (e.g. master studies in academic fields such as spatial planning, geography, landscape ecology, landscape architecture, nature conservation etc.). The seminar participants will be provided with free accommodation, meals and transportation during the seminar.

What is the seminar about?
Near-natural open spaces are under pressure due to continuous land take for settlements and infrastructures and the resulting landscape fragmentation in many alpine regions. The OpenSpaceAlps projects aims at safeguarding multifunctional open spaces for generations to come by enabling spatial planning stakeholders to better understand, coordinate and jointly develop innovative planning approaches, also from a transnational perspective. In the capacity building seminar we aim to improve the competences of spatial and sectoral planning practitioners and advanced students. The seminar deals with specific skills and tools that help planners to identify relevant open spaces, analyse their functions and provide for legal safeguarding. The seminar contents will be exemplified in concrete pilot cases (short field trips to the project pilot sites in Germany and Austria). Presentations and workshops will be conducted by the OpenSpaceAlps project partners and external experts.

Who can apply for participation?
The seminar is targeted at young professionals from various disciplines: young people (up to 35 years of age) working in spatial or sectoral planning practice (e.g. public planning or conservation administrations; private planning offices) as well as advanced students (e.g. master studies in academic fields such as spatial planning, geography, landscape ecology, landscape architecture, nature conservation etc.)

Which costs will be covered?
Organisers will provide free accommodation (single bed rooms incl. breakfest), meals and transportation during the seminar. Participants only have to pay for their own travel to Salzburg as well as the return journey.

For more information about the seminar, please have a look at the “Call for applications” here.

If you are interested in participating in the capacity building seminar, please fill in the application form  (incl. motivation letter and CV) and send your application via e-mail to until 21/06/2021. Organisers will inform you until 24/06/2021, if your application is accepted. The number of participants is limited due to Covid-19 precautions

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