5th AISRe Summer School
Policy Evaluation in Regional Science
27-31 May 2024, Roma Tre University, Italy

Call for Applications Deadline: 25 March 2024

AISRe, in collaboration with Europe Direct Roma Tre, Inapp and Svimez is proud to announce its fifth summer school on policy evaluation in regional science organized by the Department of Political Sciences at Roma Tre University.
– The Summer School will introduce PhD students and early career researchers to this rich and expanding debate by merging theoretical and empirical perspectives.
– The Summer School is open to doctoral students and early career researchers’ areas active in the field of policy evaluation and will be taught in English.

Organisation of the school
The school is articulated into 5 days from 27 May to 31 May 2024.
Each day will include lecture sessions by expert scholars in the field and paper development sessions in the afternoon.
Each topic will be developed via lectures and data analysis laboratory. Participants are invited to bring their own laptops with Stata and Rstudio installed.

Keynote speakers:
Aline Pennisi (Ministry of Economic and Financial Affairs, Unit NG-EU)
Carmelo Petraglia (University of Basilicata, SVIMEZ)
Guido Pellegrini (Sapienza University)

Roberto Basile (University of l’Aquila)
Francesca Centofanti (Tor Vergata University)
Giovanni Cerulli (CNR-IRCrES)
Marusca De Castris (Roma Tre University)
Daniele Di Gennaro (Ministry of Economic and Financial Affairs)
Roberta Di Stefano (Sapienza University)
Giovanni Mellace (University of Southern Denmark)
Paolo Naticchioni (Roma Tre University)
Marianna Nitti (Sapienza University)
Giuliano Resce (University of Molise)
Marco Ventura (Sapienza University)
Claudia Vittori (Roma Tre University)

Local scientific and organizing committee
Marusca De Castris (Coordinator), Roma Tre University, Keti Lelo, Roma Tre University; Paolo Naticchioni, Roma Tre University; Claudia Vittori, Roma Tre University.

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