AISRE XLII Annual Scientific Conference
Territorial challenges in the post-covid era
Web Conference, 8-10 September 2021

AISRe, the Italian Section of the Regional Science Association International, is pleased to announce its XLII Annual Scientific Conference, which gathers contributions of scholars from different disciplines belonging to Regional Science. The Conference is organized jointly with the University of Salento and it is supported by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission.

The Conference will take place online exclusively.

The numbers of the Conference: more than 540 abstracts accepted, 53 special sessions, and two plenary meetings.

A first round table on Territorial Policies and the new generation EU, on cohesion policies in the new revitalisation and relaunching scenario, by important actors of DG Regio e Italian scientists. A second moment represented by the Lectio Magistralis of Lisa De Propris, University of Birmingham, on advanced 4.0 technologies and local development.

Besides the main theme, at the AISRe conference scholars will be able to debate on all topics belonging to Regional Science. Therefore, AISRe is pleased to host scientific papers on:

  1. Governance, regional and territorial public policies, European programming
  2. Growth and regional disparities
  3. Globalization, value chains and local production systems
  4. Methods of territorial analysis and spatial econometrics
  5. Labor, welfare, personal services and social policies
  6. Tourism, culture and local development
  7. Urban planning, real estate market and city development processes
  8. Infrastructure, transport and local development
  9. Wellbeing, sustainability and local development
  10. Urban development and agglomeration economies
  11. Development and local entrepreneurship
  12. Innovation, creativity and local development 
  13. Policy evaluation methods


  • April 9, 2021 – Papers/poster acceptance
  • May 14, 2021 POSTPONED AT MAY 24 2021 – Reduced registration fee
  • June 25, 2021 – Full registration fee
  • July 16, 2021 – Programme publication
  • July 23, 2021 – Papers/posters submission


To promote the dissemination of Regional Science among young scholars, AISRe will assign the following awards:

  • Ph.D. Dissertation Awards;
  • Award for the best paper presented by a young scholar (in collaboration with GSSI);
  • Award for the best poster.

Link to the Conference website


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