AISRE XLI Annual Scientific Conference
Web Conference
“Regions between challenges and unexpected opportunities”
2-5 September 2020

Due to the health situation that has arisen in recent months has forced Aisre to review its programs. The conference scheduled at the University of Salento has been postponed to 1-3 September 2021.

For this year, the Board decided to organize an online conference titled:

“Regions between challenges and unexpected opportunities”

that will be hosted on the web platform of the University Roma Tre.

The conference will be open to those who sent an abstract for the traditional conference scheduled in Lecce, and to those interested in attending as a listener (non-presenting attendee). The web conference will be held on 2-5 September, 2020 and will be arranged, as usual, in plenary sessions, spontaneous sessions and organized sessions.

The plenary sessions are planned as follows:

Regions and the health emergency: challenges and opportunities
Spatial temporal trends in Italian pandemia: Giuseppe Arbia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Central and Eastern Europe after Covid-19: Challenges and opportunities in a different global economy: Richard Grieveson, WiiW – The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
Territorial Impact of Covid Crisis. Monitoring and evaluation Tools to Support better design of Policies: Andrea Conte, Joint Research Centre European Commission

Networks Varieties, Relatedness and Regional Development in Europe
Lectio Magistralis SR of Frank Van Oort, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Regionalisation of the sustainable development strategy
The national and regional sustainable development strategy. Mara Cossu, Ministry of the Environment
Interconnections and measures national and territorial statistics for the Sustainable Development Strategy: Angela Ferruzza, ISTAT
Scenarios and actions for a sustainable future: Enrico Giovannini,  President of ASVIS, University of Roma Tor Vergata

The program also includes a session of young scholars dedicated to the award of the winners of the Leonardi and GSSI Awards, the poster session, and the traditional assembly of members.

AISRe trusts in your participation to keep alive the collaboration and the scientific debate.

To present a contribution and to be included in the program, only the registration to the Association (certified as registration to the conference 2020 for individual members) is required. The registration must be paid by June 20, 2020.

Non-presenting attendees can register until July 20, 2020.

May 22th, 2020 – Young Researcher Best Paper Award deadline
May 31th, 2020 – Abstract submission deadline for Special Call on COVID 19 and territorial impact
May 20-June 20th, 2020 – Registration
July 20, 2020 – Registration deadline for non-presenting attendees
July 20, 2020 – Papers/posters submission

To promote the dissemination of Regional Science among young scholars, AISRe will assign the following awards:

  • Ph.D. Dissertation Awards;
  • Award for the best paper presented by a young scholar (in collaboration with GSSI);
  • Award for the best poster.

Applications and related instructions are published with a special call available on, in the Awards section (


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