International Conference 2020 (Participation in place and online)
Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation’2020
23 – 24 September 2020, Hotel Kotarz Spa & Wellness Brenna – the Beskids Mountains, Poland
Research Institute on Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation WSB University, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland in cooperation with the Polish section of European Regional Science Association (ERSA) are happy to invite you to participate to personal participation in the conference all the guests who have no restrictions to come to Brenna in September but the virtual participation is also welcome.
International Conference: Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation’2020, which will take place in Poland on 23rd and 24th September 2020 is addressed to researchers and practitioners, dealing with different aspects of territorial and inter-organizational cooperation in the context of local, regional and international dimension.
The Conference is characterized by its interdisciplinary approach resulting from raising multiperspective scientific problems and innovative formulas. The Conference’s main aim would be networking and forming international, interdisciplinary scientific teams working together on new scientific challenges. My intention is for the Conference to become an international platform of scientific cooperation represented by different academic centres and practitioners, who should take a full advantage of the research results.
It is planned two plenary sessions with great keynote speakers and three, moderated round-table sessions concerning different scientific issues on territorial and inter-organizational cooperation. Every participant would be able to sign up for at least one round-table session. Each round-table discussion will give each participant the opportunity to present in short the results of his/her research and discuss the development of new fields of research related to broadly defined mainstream of scientific issues on territorial and inter-organizational cooperation.
The Conference attendance is free of charge thanks to the ‘Regional Initiative of Excellence’ project funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The costs of travel and accommodation are covered by participants. The organisers believe that establishing continuous scientific cooperation with Research Institute on Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation, which we run, would bring benefits for each Conference participant in the form of joint projects and scientific publications.
Keynote Speakers
- Prof. Marina Andeva, University American College Skopje, North Macedonia
- Prof. Alexandros Apostolakis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
- Prof. Jacinto Garrido Velarde, Department of Territorial Sciences, University of Extremadura, Spain
- Beate Grajnert, Programme Manager, DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission
- Prof. Dangis Gudelis, Institute of Public Administration, Faculty of Public Governance, Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Lithuania
- Prof. Eduardo Medeiros, ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Prof. James W Scott, the Karelian Institute, the University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Conference Topics
- Public Management
- Public Strategies
- Project Management
- Territorial Governance
- Cross-Border Cooperation
- Inter-Regional Cooperation
- Inter-Organizational Cooperation
- Networks and Clusters
- Sustainable Planning
- Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Tourism Management
- Sustainable Culture Management
- Sustainable Innovation Management
- Sustainable Knowledge Management
- Sustainable Human Recourses Management
- Accessibility and Connectivity Transport Systems
- Renewables Energies
- Circular and Green Economy
- Migratory fluxes – Strategies, Management and Planning
Organizing Committee
- prof. Kurowska-Pysz, Joanna (WSB University) – Chairperson
- dr Wróblewski, Łukasz (WSB University)
- dr Szyszka, Michał (WSB University)
- dr Nowak-Żółty, Edyta (WSB University)
- Bogaczyk, Regina (WSB University)
- Marczak, Karolina (WSB University)
- Grala, Magdalena (WSB University)
- Adam, Grzegorz (WSB University)
Contact persons
WSB University, Cieplaka 1c, 41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza, e-mail:
Prof. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, M. +48 602 231 124, e-mail:
Alicja Białogłowska, M. +48 32 295 93 45, e-mail:
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