8th Central European Conference in Regional Science (CERS)
Resilience of cities and regions in an uncertain time
21-23 November 2022, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland│Online
The ERSA Polish Section in cooperation with Slovak and Hungarian Sections is organising is pleased to announce the 8th Central European Conference in Regional Science (CERS).
The conference is hosted by the Faculty of Human Geography and Planning at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland and will be held on 21st-23rd November 2022 in a virtual formula. The conference is co-organized with European Regional Science Association – Polish Section, Hungarian Regional Science Association and Slovak Section of ERSA.
The deadline for Abstract Submission is extended until September 19 , 2022. Please note that there is a limit of two presentations per participant. Abstracts should be submitted using the abstract submission portal.
For information on abstract submission, please visit the CERS 2022 Conference website cers.amu.edu.pl. The list of more than 20 themes, special sessions and young scientist session is available at the conference webpage.
The conference is open to a diverse worldwide audience, including academics, experts, and policy makers. It aims to bring together research, ideas, concepts, and experiences and provide a welcoming forum for discussing research and presenting different points of view on the contemporary challenges of cities and regions.
The themes which will be addressed focus on the challenges of meeting the development of urban and regional systems in an uncertain time. Topics such as the economic, social, and environmental challenges in urban, rural, and regional development and transition in uncertain times are essential issues that the CERS 2022 Conference will consider.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us cers2022@amu.edu.pl
The conference is open to a diverse worldwide audience, including academics, experts, and policy makers. It aims to bring together research, ideas, concepts, and experiences and provide a welcoming forum for discussing research and presenting different points of view on the contemporary challenges of cities and regions.
The themes which will be addressed focus on the challenges of meeting the development of urban and regional systems in an uncertain time. Topics such as the economic, social, and environmental challenges in urban, rural, and regional development and transition in uncertain times are essential issues that the CERS 2022 Conference will consider.
CERS have a long tradition and is organized every 2-3 years in one of the Visegrad countries. The previous edition of the conference was held in Sopron, Hungary in 2019. The idea of the conference is to promote research in the field of Regional Science. It is also a good point for the consolidation of many groups of scientists working on human and economic geography, spatial management, spatial economy, regional and urban economy, demography, spatial planning, architecture, and ecology.
The leading concept of the 8th CERS conference is to facilitate a welcoming forum for a presentation of academic research and the exchange of ideas, concepts, experiences, and different points of view.
Main themes of the conference:
- Contemporary and future challenges for cities and regions: Are we ready for them?
- Cities and regions facing the economic crisis and global epidemic,
- Cities and regions in climate change,
- Circular economy for resilient cities,
- Uncertainty in local and regional policies,
- Urban and regional development,
- Demography, migration and social inequalities,
- Innovation, entrepreneurship and regional competitiveness,
- Spatial planning, sustainable development and ecological transition,
- Rural regions and their development,
- Culture, tourism, health and education in an uncertain time,
- Land use, transport, mobility and accessibility,
- Perspectives on shrinking cities development,
- Regional finance, fiscal issues, investment and capital markets,
- The digital world, digital region and digital society,
- Methods and models in regional science and urban economics,
- Ukraine and CEE countries in the face of war.
Keynote speakers
Jean-Claude Thill
(University of North Carolina, USA)
Konstantin Mezentsev
(Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv, Ukraine)
Important dates
05.2022: call for special sessions & save the date information distribution
12.06.2022: final date for special sessions proposal submission
15.06.2022: special sessions acceptance
15.06.2022–04.09.2022 19.09.2022: abstract submission
17.09.2022: abstract acceptance
30.09.2022: registration and payment (early bird)
11.11.2022: registration and payments (regular fee)
21-23.11.2022: conference (online)
For more detailed information, please visit the conference website.

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