XLII Reuniones de estudios regionales
30 years of integration in Europe from the regional perspective: past lessons and future challenges
16-18 November 2016, Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Venue: Faculty of Business and Economics Avda. Do Burgo, s / n. North Campus. 15782 Santiago de Compostela.
Organising Committee: Group members of Economic Analysis and Modelling (GAME), the Institute for the Study and Development of Galicia (IDEGA) and the Faculty of. Economics and Business from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC)
Languages of the Conference: Spanish,Portuguese and English
Aim: is to promote discussion within a forum open to the diverse fields involved in regional science: economics, geography, urban planning, econometrics, sociology, politics, architecture, tourism, etc.
Main target:Researchers from all countries in the European Union and beyond, agents interested in acquiring knowledge and understanding about the territorial dimension of our societies.