XLV International Conference on Regional Science
Tackling with societal, technological and climate changes in peripheral territories
20-22 November 2019, Castelló, Spain
The Spanish and Valencian Regional Science Associations are pleased to invite you to participate in the XLV Regional Studies Meeting (XLV Reunión de Estudios Regionales) and the VI Valencian Regional Studies Conference (VI Jornades Valencianes d’Estudis Regionals).
1.- Convergence, growth and development of the territories
2.- Efficiency, productivity, competitiveness and space
3.- Urban and territorial sustainability, natural resources, energy and environment
4.- Globalization and territory: foreign sector, foreign direct investment, flows and value chains
5.- Labor market and territory
6.- Inequality, poverty and territory
7.- Population, territory and migratory movements
8.- Methods for spatial analysis I: spatial econometrics
9.- Methods for spatial analysis II: geographic information systems
10.- Methods for spatial analysis III: input-output, big data and other techniques and methods applied to spatial analysis
11.- Location of economic activity and cluster analysis
12.- Economy of knowledge, creativity and geography of innovation
13.- Housing market
14.- Urban planning, smart cities, metropolitan areas, mega-regions and city networks
15.- Local and regional governance, regional development policies and cohesion
16.- Public sector and regional financing
17.- Companies, entrepreneurship and business dynamics in the territory
18.- Culture, tourism and territory
19.- Regional science: evolution of regional and urban analysis
20.- Valencian Regional Science
S-TC. University knowledge transfer sessions environment
S-JI.- Young Researchers Sessions: “I have an idea …”
- Call for abstracts: 1 March.
- Presentation of abstracts: 15 May.
- Acceptance of abstracts: 1 June.
- Presentation of papers: 22 September.
- Acceptance of papers: 7 October.
- Ordinary payment: Ends on October 18.
- Dates of the congress: 20-22 November.
Conference Website.
The Organizing Committee of AECR
Technical secretary of AECR: Conxita Rodríguez Izquierdo
Number phone + fax: 00 34 93 310 11 12
Mail: rer@aecr.org
Web of AECR: www.aecr.org