The summer school tackles the concept of crisis in tourism from an interdisciplinary perspective (geography, political science, marketing, history). Through theory and field trips, participants will jointly investigate the issues raised by the crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, situating them in relation to other crises facing tourism: economic or financial crises, crises linked to terrorism, war or natural disasters (e.g. tsunamis). These crises give rise to reorganizations of both business models and practices, in the short, medium and longer term, which will be studied thanks to diverse examples, in Switzerland and around the world. These examples will be discussed by invited speakers and during moments shared with local stakeholders. The program includes a day trip to Zermatt, leading Swiss tourist destination, which will illustrate the issue of the current crisis (Covid-19) and past crises (typhus in 1963)

Target: The  Summer School is aimed at students of master and doctorate level in human and social sciences as well as tourism professionals.

Application deadline: April 15, 2021


Leïla Kebir, Professor at University of Lausanne
Marjolaine Gros-Balthazard, Post-doctoral fellow at University of Lausanne
Léa Canevet and Diane Laugel, Doctoral assistants at University of Lausanne
