TASTE Final Seminar – Future paths for a smart rural Europe?
September 28, 2017, Paris, France
After 4 years of work on territorial issues and strategies related to smart specialization, the TASTE consortium organizes a final seminar entitled “Future paths for a smart rural Europe?”, which will take place September 28th in Paris in order to present the main results of the project.
This seminar will be introduced by a keynote provided by Pr. Dominique Foray (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne). Then several lectures and workshops will address the question of smart development land use, agriculture and business in rural areas.
Information about the seminar
Registration to the seminar is free but compulsory before September 15.
Register now!
TASTE (Towards A Smart Rural Europe) is a pluri-disciplinary research project supported by the European Commission and funding bodies in 4 countries in the framework of FP7 and the RURAGRI ERA-NET
Information about TASTE project