8th edition of the European Commission’s Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE)
Socially responsible, creative and trusted regional innovation in the digital era
June 28-30, 2017, Košice (Slovakia)
The Technical University of Košice hosts this year’s edition of WIRE from 28-30 June. The registration is open!
WIRE2017 provides to participants an opportunity to present your projects, visions and initiatives (in the form of posters, stands, roll-ups, videopresentations) that are in line with the WIRE2017 themes in an open space session held on June 29th.
For more information and space or technical requirements please contact Zuzana Kravecova (zuzana.kravecova@tuke.sk) with the email subject: WIRE2017 Open space.
The space for open space presentations is limited.
More at www.wire2017.eu