European Week of Regions and Cities 2018!
ERSA will be collaborating for the 16th European Week of Regions and Cities to be held in Brussels, from 8-11 October 2018.
In the framework of the EWRC University programme; ERSA together with the European Commission, the EU Committee of Regions (CoR), AESOP and RSA will be associated in the organisation of the the 6th edition of its Master Class and the organisation of university workshop sessions.
The call for applications for the Master Class is open. 30 PhD students and early-career researchers will be selected and have the chance to participate in the of this Master Class programme to be held between 8 and 11 October 2018.
Deadline: 9 May 2018.
watch last year videos
European Week of Regions and Cities 2017 – short from OPINION-TV on Vimeo.