13 October, 13:30 – 16:30, House of the Dutch Provinces, Trierstraat 59-61, Brussels
Theme: Cross-border Labour Markets: where are we, where can we go and how do we do that
Issues of cross-border labour markets are at the heart of a boundary-less Europe. Policy makers put a lot of attention to the potential for solving labour market frictions alongside the borders, and hence stimulating cross-border economies by means of a variety of cross- national, regional and local policy programs and cross-border institutional and governance settings. But despite all the efforts it seems that with the unification of Europe and the opening of the borders, there are still a lot of institutional differences between countries that hamper cross-border commuting resulting in only small numbers of cross-border commuters.
Invited Speakers:
- Prof. dr. Jouke van Dijk, Chair Department Economic Geography, University of Groningen; President European Regional Science Association; Chair Board Waddenacademie with Social and Spatial Economics Portfolio
- Dr. Arjen Edzes, Economic Geography, University of Groningen
- Prof. dr. Torben Dall Schmidt, University of Southern Denmark
- Bert Bouwmeester, Mayor of Coevorden and coordinating administrator on behalf of the Association of Dutch Municipalities
- Representatives of Southern Denmark and Niedersachsen
Further information about the Side Event and the latest program are in the PDF below.
For information: please contact dr. Arjen Edzes (University of Groningen) a.j.e.edzes@rug.nl